Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ditto Ron

I have a love hate relationship with Ron "I'm not an Iowa fan" Maly.

I tire of his daily, often roundabout, digs at ISU in his blog. I have a hard time believing his "I'm a serious, professional, objective retired journalist" schtick when every single post has a shot of him in the pressbox of Kinnick or next to some former SUI great. But its his blog, so he can write what he wants, even when it often is a tired retreat of what might have been an original thought back in '82.

What I admire about Ron is how expertly he can take the knife to his own Hawkeyes and the rest of the Big TenEleven when they deserve it.

If he could dig ISU as well as he can SUI, he might be worth the daily read. At least then I could respect him.


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